英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:33:09
  • 网络解释

1. 到处跑:run up against 遇到 | run wild 到处跑 | sad dog 放荡的人;易闯祸的人

2. 失控;(价)暴涨:run parallel to 与...平行 | run wild 失控;(价)暴涨 | running north and south贯穿南北

3. 放肆:run upon 撞上 | run wild 放肆 | run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 两面讨好

4. run wild的意思

4. 出故障:run upon the rocks 坐礁 | run wild 出故障 | run with tide 顺着潮流航驶

Some of the best ideas happen when you just let your imagination run wild.(在你尽情发挥想象力的时候,某些最佳创意就涌现了。)
Let animals run wild.(让动物自由奔跑。)
Let your imagination run wild and be creative.(让你的想象力自由驰骋发挥创意吧。)
Maybe he'll do something drastic, take a plane to Mexico City and be drunk for a week and run wild around the bars.(也许他该去做一些闹腾的事,飞去墨西哥城,整个星期都喝得醉醺醺,四处泡吧。)
I wish they would set free all zoo animals and let them run wild in their natural habitats.(我希望他们把地动物园所有的动物放掉,让它们在自然环境中自由自在。)
You can do a lot of things with the varied parts and landscape sculpting, so let your imagination run wild.(只要你有足够的想象力,你可以建造不同的区域和景观雕塑。)
All that mattered is that I believed in all of these visions and allowed my imagination to run wild.(他所关心的是,我相信所有这些设想,并让我的想象力,像脱缰的野马。)
Thee critical voices in your head like to run wild when you sit down to write.(当你坐下来写作的时候,内心批评的声音就萦绕在脑海。)
Aside time and children playing, or to suburban outing, run wild, is also an effective way.(留出时间和孩子玩耍,抑或去郊区踏青、撒野,也是有效的方式。)
The finding of this fish lets our imaginations run wild with possibilities.(这条不死之鱼的打开了我们的想象之门,一切皆有可能!)
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